Sunday, October 13, 2013

So, guess what! I'm opening an area! It's called Santa Victoria 3, and it's in the heart of Chiclayo. It's the most affluent area in the whole mission, and the ward is ridiculously cool. Plus, Santa Victoria 1 and 2 are the elders that work in the office. That means they don't have a lot of time to go out proselyting and that we've got our work cut out for us here, but it also means that we're super close to the president and that we're super well taken care of. And I've got another surprise! I have a daughter! Oh, well a step-daughter. In the mission, when we train new people, we're called their "parents" and they're our "son" or "daughter." But this time, my companion got transferred with me in the middle of her training, so I'm just finishing it up. Lots to do! Prayer's become a big deal. Hahaha. But I'm glad for the opportunity to do it. She's also American!

So, what's it like in Chiclayo... it's super, super different from Jaèn/Bagua. It's a lot more like the states in the way that there are more cars than moto taxis and there's technology and shopping malls. It's pretty different. AND it's cold here! It's like autum-ish weather. They say it'll warm up around January-December.

I love being a trainer. It's the greatest. We're putting up Christmas decorations in our apartment to prepare for the missionaries who will come in after we're transferred hahah. I even made a paper Christmas tree. Pictures will come when my usb is fixed (has a virus). I loved conference. I sang today in our zone conference and the elders from the office told me that they wanted to record it to be able to distribute it through the mission. The song wasn't mine, so they told me to write one and they'd do it. We'll see how that goes, but I'm pretty excited. I'd honestly love to do it.