Saturday, September 14, 2013

I'm leaving Jaén! I don't know where they'll send me when I get there, but I'm leaving for Chiclayo in a little bit to be reassigned to a different area. I'll miss Hermana Norabuena, but I expect my new compy will be just as cool. I have another funny story to tell today. We went to visit an investigtor who has a part-member family, but didn't find him at home. But we did find his son, who was baptized when he was a teenager but has since left the church, instead. We're sitting there talking about the restored gospel because he has a ton of questions about why there are so many churches in the world with so many different doctrines. Restoration, right? Duh! Haha And it's marvelous. At the end, he's like, "Oh, yeah I remember that I had heard about Joseph Smith, but I didn't really realize who he was. He just has to have been a profet!" We love it, right? We're like, "Oh yeah, this guy's coming back to church! He's gonna receive the priesthood and go to the temple and seal his family together forever, etc." All this stuff, right? And then, after we've already said the prayer and we're putting our scriptures back in our backpacks to leave, he says this one little thing, "Oh, one last question." "Yeah, of course! What is it?" "Why do I see duendes?" Now, to give it a little perspective, a "duende" is a type of sprite-like creature that doesn't really exist. "Duendes?" We ask. "Yeah, duendes! I always see them with there little shoulders like this [he hunches] and their nose like this [he gestures at his scruntched nose and snorts]." "Oh. Oookay." I say. Hahaha rrooooouuugh! I had no idea what to tell him! We promised to study it out and get back to him. I still haven't found anything. But if anyone knows anything, I'm open for advice. Haha

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