Tuesday, March 19, 2013


So, as I scored my second goal in a game of futbol (soccer) this week, it occured to me that I haven't made known this part of my life. Soccer! Daily! My entire district uses our physical activities hour to play soccer with the Latinos. Being sisters and being females trying to play a sport with nonfemales in South America, we've had to get serious. I'm up to five goals by yours truly! Here is my favorite soccer moment thus far:

(From my journal) "Scored another goal today! Like a boss. There was this Latino who apparently felt that he should let me know where I needed to stand. So, throughout the rest of the game, I kept thinking things like, 'Did you see me check that guy? Yeah! That's right I don't need you!' But, to be honest, it wasn't turning out to be a very productive game for me. Then, out of nowhere, a perfect shot! I SO took it, and scored, like a boss. 'Haha!' He and I high fived. We're bros now. No big deal."

Also! I'm proud of myself for having made friends with the Latina sisters in my room. I honestly don't know what I said or what I did to make them think I know anything about anything, but now, they're asking me for homework and lesson help, advice on their outfits, etc. I have NO idea. But I'm happy to help where I can!

I also got mail this week! One from Brad Reeves, one from Ken O'Kelly, and one from my dear Mandy Prasad. I hope to be able to write you all back eventually, but for now, I'm just going to respond here. Haha. My compañera is from Ogden, Utah. She's been attending Utah State studying graphic design for the past few years. She's amazing and I've learned a lot from her. The new missions won't affect me, I believe, but it does effect Hermana Campbell, who is planning on going to the Guyaquil (spelling?) North Mission. I'm glad you found a job, Brad! Keep eating that pasta! And, I'm excited about your new calling with Krishn, Mandy! I'm also thankful to have been able to help you with my blog. 

I am really excited to get out in the field. Only seven days now! Yesterday, our teacher asked us to turn in Preach My Gospel to chapter 10, but I accidentally flipped to chapter 9 instead (which is titled 'Finding People'). For whatever reason, it was a big and sudden reminder of my purpose here and the promise of work to do in the future. All this little did my teacher know, because he then asked me to read the first paragraph. So, I started in and only got through a sentence before choking up. His head whipped around to me, concerned expression asking what en el mundo was happening to me. In a little voice, I responded in Spanish, "I'm excited." 

Attached is a picture of a flower and a trash can that looks like R2D2 (will be posted on her facebook page)

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