Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Okay, so I've basically been planning this email all week. Three things, here it goes:
I love this place. The Latinos are in the process of leaving today to head out on their missions. We're getting more in tomorrow, but for now, the North Americans are flying it solo. I don't know what it is about saying final goodbyes, but the Latinos were going NUTS this week. Everyone wants pictures with the North Americans! Sunday night as we were preparing for bed, "Hermana Campbell?" (my companion) was called up from the bottom of the stairs. She just happened to have been standing in the doorway of our room and asked Hermana Ayer (our roommate) and I, "Is someone calling my name in a thick Latino accent?" We go to the stairs and hear, "You speak with my friend? One minute? Outside?" And what do we (Hna. Ayer and I were ABSOLUTELY sticking to her like glue) see when we round the corner? Why, what else but a seemingly a small army of Latinos plus Elder Gray (an Australian in our district) of course, waiting just outside the door of the building. Elder Figueroa, whose shoulders are ensconced by the supporting hands of his companions, turns around to face Hna. Campbell, thrusts his agenda toward her and timidly whispers, "Email?" Bewildered, it takes her a second to respond, during which time E. Figueroa assumes his English must have been bad, and turns, panic-stricken, to his companion (whose English is even worse than my Spanish). "Email? Keep in touch?" Hna. Campbell checks with Hna. Ayer (who has been here twice as long as we have at this point) to make sure such and exchange is CCM legal. HNa Ayer shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know. It's up to you." Hna. Campbell reluctantly consents and is rewarded by celebratory Latino (and one Australian) shouts. We all take awkward pictures together. Just then, another Latino comes up out of the hall behind us and says, "Uno mas. (One more.) With me." So, two pictures now exist to immortalize our awkward confusion. So, that was Sunday night.
Here's another thing, in an old recording of an MTC devotional, a "Taylor Barton" from Rexburg, ID was called out by Elder David A. Bednar with a greeting from his parents, his father in particular. I was just wondering, Jenna Barton, is this the same Taylor Barton?
Last thing. My companion is from Slytherine house! How cool is THAT?!

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